Category Archives: RER Rundown

Waking up to global Islamist jihadist war

Great op-ed piece from Fox News. We are at war. Will the American people and the left ever come to this conclusion? Oh wait, it’s opening day of baseball in Cuba! -Gary Yes, America, it’s war. Here’s how we can stop losing and start winning | Fox NewsREAD MORE

Whites should knock themselves off?

By popular request we are posting this video from a college debate at Harvard. Debater argues whites should commit suicide? -Gary VIDEO: Harvard students debate whether whites should kill themselves due to ‘privilege’READ MORE

So you think you’re a moderate?

I guess it’s all what the meaning of “moderate” is. If you don’t believe in a individual right to bear arms is that “moderate”? I don’t think so! -Gary The “Moderates” Are Not So Moderate: Merrick GarlandREAD MORE

Job Loss Incubator

More analysis on how minimum increase in Seattle is killing jobs. -Gary How the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobsREAD MORE

Trump’s trade policy

This article goes back to January but explains how our trade deficit is not a bad thing. We may have a negative trade deficit but as a result we have a positive capital investment surplus. -Gary Everything Trump Says About Trade With China Is WrongREAD MORE

Damning evidence nevertheless

We have spent a significant amount of time explaining Hillary’s e-mail scandal and the fact that it doesn’t matter whether they were marked classified. Here is a good article explaining why it doesn’t matter. -Gary Hillary’s ‘No Classified Markings’ Canard Actually Makes Things WorseREAD MORE

Hold it! You might not be able to get into Canada if Trump wins!

This is an op-ed piece from late 2014 that was posted by a great listener today on Facebook. It seems Canada only wants immigrants who can pay what Canada believes is the right amount in taxes, in order to be residents in their country. If you might be a drain on their health care system…READ MORE

So who really has “The New York Values?”

This article says internal polling shows that Donald Trump could beat Hillary Clinton in New York State! A state that went 62 % plus in 2008 and 2012 for Obama! One of our great debates is whether Trump is a liberal or conservative. A couple of possibilities. Liberals in New York have finally seen the…READ MORE